Tuesday 19 July 2016

how to make Jamaican style carrot punch


The Jamaican style carrot Punch

this carrot juice is a real Jamaican classic, especially on a Sunday. the creaminess from the milk combined with the Guinness or dragon stout  is the real deal.


2 lb whole carrots
5 cups water
1 can sweetened milk
1 bottle Guinness or Dragon stout
1 cup Jamaican vanilla Supligen
A shot of rum (optional)
2 tsp ground nutmeg


1. Wash and chop carrots into about one-inch pieces, making sure to discard the tops and tips of carrots. Put carrots into a pot with 5 cups of water and allow to boil. after the carrots are cooked, put aside to cool because the liquid is need to blend carrots.

2. Place cooked carrots in a blender and add enough water to blend carrots.

3. Begin pulsing to liquefy strain juice through a find sieve strainer. stir in vanilla, sweetened can milk, Supligen, nutmeg and rum (optional). Serve over ice and enjoy, the punch may need to be shaken before pouring.



2 lemons, quartered
1 1/4 cups ginger beer or a piece of ginger to your taste
1/2 cup sugar
5 springs of mint leaves


Blend lemons, sugar, ginger beer and mint leaves in a blender until leaves are finely chopped and add sugar granules are dissolved. strain through a fine strainer, leave some of the pulp for garnish and enough ice cubes to fill a blender. pour juice inside then blend until smooth. serve immediately. add lemon and mint pulp on top to garnish.

Saturday 2 July 2016

How to create amazingly delicious smoothies


How to Create Amazingly Delicious Smoothies That Boost Your Long-Term Health, Energy, and Physique!

With My SENSATIONAL SMOOTHIE Guide You Will Discover The Secrets to MELTING Away Fat Without Any Effort... Whilst Getting All The Vitamins And Minerals You Need To Live a Long, Healthy and Happy Life - All From Simple Smoothies!

Staying Healthy Has Never Been So Easy - Or Tasty!

I'm talking about 100% bona fide healthy smoothies that give you the correct amounts of fruits, vegetables, and dairy daily! That's already 3 parts of our 5 part food group! (Don't worry Vegans, I'm not leaving you out, I have Vegan friendly recipes too!)

Help you lose weight more easily than before!

Reduce your cravings for sweets and other fatty foods. (No more cheating on a diet then feeling bad about it!)

Give you better digestion. (No more constipation!)

Give you your recommended fruit and vegetable requirements daily!    

Give you the right vitamins and minerals. Plus the antioxidants from the fruit and vegetables will help you prevent major illnesses, like cancer.

Stabilize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

 Improve your dental health!

 Lessen your intake of chemicals and preservatives, often found in other foods, and which may have been causing some of your health problems without you knowing it!

 Strengthen your immune system, lessening the number of times you get sick. (Now you don't have to worry about getting sick and how it may affect your work or other aspects of your life!)

Lessen your aches and pains. (The healthy goodness can heal troubled areas in your body.)
Give you more energy.   Click Here

Are You Eating Greens Everyday? 

You've read the research. You already know adding leafy greens to your daily diet helps shed pounds, promotes gut health, keeps mental abilities sharp, alleviates post-workout stress, reduces the risk of glaucoma, significantly lowers your risk of Type 2 Diabetes, boosts your immune system and plays an important role in regulating food allergies, inflammatory diseases and may even play a role in preventing some cancers

That's a massive laundry list of health benefits!  CLICK HERE

How to Recreate favorite restaurant dishes


  • Re-create your favorite restaurant's dishes "on demand", in your very own kitchen whenever you felt like it...
  • Make ALL your friends and family go wild over your cooking at the next party or gathering! (They might not even BELIEVE you cooked these!)...
  • Fool EVERYONE into thinking you've taken professional cooking classes by simply following simple, surefire instructions...
  • And of course SAVE MONEY because groceries are cheaper than restaurants, and you don't need any special equipment or rare ingredients!

Well NOW you CAN! Copy the big restaurant flavors you love and ENJOY them at home, any time you want!

I finally figured out how, but it wasn't easy at first...

When I figured out just how much I was spending to treat my family these delicious dishes we loved, I just KNEW I had to start cooking more at home. After all, I love to cook!

But no matter how tasty my dishes were, my family was always disappointed that it wasn't QUITE the same flavors that they were practically ADDICTED to.

Why don't more people know about this!?

I couldn't believe that all of these wonderful recipes were BURIED online, hidden from sight, scattered across hundreds of websites, blogs, and forums. To make matters worse, there are thousands of "fake" replica recipes floating around that are just weak imitations...

I just HAD to get the word out! So I decided then and there to collect the BEST, most POPULAR restaurant clone recipes... Tweak them to PERFECTION... and release the best cookbook ever written.

Pretty ambitious, I know. But I take my wife's dares very seriously. :)

Like I said, I even hired a professional - Chef Tom - to help me get these dishes PERFECT enough to fool even the PICKIEST eaters among my family and friends. Did it work? See for yourself!   CLICK HERE