Thursday 23 June 2016

the easy learn how to cook paleo cook book


Let's get serious for a second...

You're here because you already know that the Paleo Diet is a great thing.

We both know that there’s no other diet on earth that delivers so many across the board health benefits WITHOUT calorie counting, hype, gimmicks or anything like that.

In Fact, Paleo Is Not Really a "Diet" At All!

It’s really a return to the type of eating your body naturally craves and was designed for. And that’s why it works. It’s based on how we humans evolved for literally millions of years.

And takes us back to our origins. A time when nobody got fat. When we were all strong, lean and had boundless energy. And when there were no degenerative diseases.

Virtually Every Health Benefit Under the Sun Can Now Be Yours!

As I'm sure you've heard, countless individuals around the world have turned to the Paleo Diet and way of living in order to regain their health, energy, vitality and power. Just a few of the benefits user report are:  I highly recommend that you try this product. click here
                                     Learn how to cook the easy way 

    These foods, commonly called “healthy” by experts, the media  , are  actually silently harming the health of you and your family. But if you’ll continue reading you’re going to discover why you should eat MORE foods such as delicious butter, cream, cheese, coconut fat, avocados, and juicy steaks. If it seems odd to you, I highly recommend these expert. Click here 

    The easy way how to cook with coconut oil

     Coconut Oil Contains Fatty Acids With Powerful Medicinal Properties
    Coconut oil has been demonized in the past because it contains saturated fat. In fact, coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat  known to man, with almost 90% of the fatty acids in it being saturated .
    However, new data is showing that saturated fats are harmless. Many massive studies that include hundreds of thousands of people prove that the whole “artery-clogging” idea was a myth.                                       

    Additionally, coconut oil doesn’t contain your average run-of-the-mill saturated fats like you would find in cheese or steak.
    No, they contain so-called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) – which are fatty acids of a medium length.
    Most of the fatty acids in the diet are long-chain fatty acids, but the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized differently.
    They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source energy or turned into so-called ketone bodies, which can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.
    Coconut is kind of an “exotic” food in the Western world, primarily consumed by health conscious people.
    However, in some parts of the world, coconut is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for many generations.
    The best example of such a population is theTokelauans, which live in the South Pacific.
    They eat over 60% of their calories from coconuts and are the biggest consumers of saturated fat in the world.
    These people are in excellent health, with no evidence of heart disease 
    Another example of a population that eats a lot of coconut and remains in excellent health is the Kitavans .
    Bottom Line: Plenty of populations around the world have thrived for multiple generations eating massive amounts of coconut. CLICK HERE

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